Thursday, April 29, 2010

Confessions book launch draws crowd of almost 200!

What an incredible night it was! Yes, the books did arrive in the early afternoon. And all went smoothly after that.

The auditorium of Women’s College Hospital was filled to overflowing with the wonderful people who joined me in launching Confessions of a Trauma Therapist.

One of the best parts of organizing the book launch was hearing from old friends and seeing so many people who matter to me at the launch itself.

Michele Landsberg commented that any author would envy the amazing turnout for the launch. She told us of her work as a young reporter when she encountered so many women wanting to tell her about their abuse because they knew she would listen and believe.

Sylvia Fraser described in gripping detail how her memories of incest surfaced. Sylvia’s book My Father’s House was published in 1987 before most people knew about sexual abuse.

Tina Sanders praised WRAP (Women Recovering From Abuse), the wonderful group therapy programme she attended at Women’s College Hospital. Eva-Marie Stern, the WRAP art therapist, followed Tina.

Then my husband and my son, those two wonderful men in my life, spoke of their experiences with me as their wife and mother. My son’s love and sincerity moved me to tears. He is a best friend.

Boris Mischenko played his guitar and sang for us. The programme ended with the whole auditorium clapping along to Boris’s great music.

All of this was shaped and created by Judy Steed and myself. In between speakers I read from my book. Judy has an amazing sense of shaping a workshop, a presentation – and as we saw last night – a book launch. She’s my dear friend and we’re used to being together as a team running workshops.

After eight years of work, the book is finally available. If you missed last night, you can purchase a book online on Amazon at this web address:

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